Tuesday, August 5, 2008

More About Breaking Dawn

So I decided that I wanted to write exactly what I thought about Breaking Dawn without having to avoid spoilers. I'm going to do that here. Just follow the link...

Don't read the rest of this post unless you've read the book!!!

Click for review with spoilers
My opinions about this book have changed so much as I had time to think about it. I still really like the book, but there are some things that bothered me.

I LOVED the wedding and the beginning of the honeymoon! That was very cute and very Bella and Edward. When I realized that Bella was pregnant (getting sick after eating), I was like, "NO! How could Stephenie do that!!!" I'm still not so sure about it, but it's what Stephenie Meyer wanted, so it's how it should be, obviously!

I liked that the second book was in Jacob's perspective. It was very interesting to see things through his eyes, especially the imprinting! I really liked the chapter names; they definitely sounded very Jake-like! I was definitely weirded out about the imprinting on the baby thing, though. It was weird because she's Bella's baby. I mean, Jake kissed Bella and had some very naughty thoughts about her, and now he's in love with her CHILD?!?! WTF?! I'm still not totally happy with that part. I was hoping Jake would end up with Leah, but at least he's happy. The birth/death scene was pretty good. It was very emotional when Jake was pumping her heart and everything. I was pretty close to tears at that point.

By the way, what is up with the baby's name?! Renesmee?? You've got to be kidding me. What was Stephenie Meyer smoking when she came up with that one?! Her middle name, Carlie, would have been a better first name than Renesmee!

I really liked when Bella "woke up" as a vampire. I thought it was kind of cool how Stephenie Meyer described it. I was a little confused about why Edward wasn't being very fatherly. He didn't say anything about Renesmee when Bella "woke up" and I don't really remember him holding her that much at all! It was very weird. I thought you were supposed to love your kids more than anyone else, including your spouse!

I thought Charlie accepted everything way too well.

Jake: "I'm a werewolf and your daughter is something else, but we're not going to tell you what."

Charlie: "Ummm...OK"


What kind of parent would just say "OK"??? Whatever.

I'm glad that the book had a happy ending, but the Volturi scene was so anticlimactic! It was just like, "We're going to kill you! ... Oh, um never mind. Bye!" I did really, really like Bella's power and the very end where she lets Edward into her mind. That was very cute!

So, overall, I enjoyed the book, but I think Stephenie kind of lost sight of her characters and made their personalities all weird and not like them at all! Edward was so boring and kind of shoved into the background. I liked it better when he was all protective of Bella. And what was up with him calling Jasper "Jazz"??? No one had ever called him that before! When did that start? I'm done. I just wanted to write what I really thought about the book with as many spoilers as I wanted. Sorry it kind of turned into a rant!


Anonymous said...

Did you read about Midnight sun for the Twilight series? Stephenie Meyer said that she MIGHT discontinue writing it because the portion that she did write was leaked to the Internet... That is such a disappointment. Even though the chapters that she wrote are posted on her website, I don't want to read it because it is not edited and it will only leave me wanting to read more and she said she might not finish writing it. But ya anywz just wanted to let you know.... :D

Katie said...

Yes, I saw that. I was so disappointed! I think it was her own fault that it was leaked, and now she's overreacting. Oh well, she'll probably change her mind and continue writing it. I haven't read Midnight Sun either. I probably will eventually, but I just can't bring myself to read it yet. Thanks for the comment! I'll be posting again soon, once I finish the book I'm currently reading. I haven't had a lot of time to read lately.